Maple caramel
While hiking in an Abitibi region filled with magnificent maple trees, Monsieur met Monsieur Tem-Sucre. The latter introduced him to the sweetness of nature through the delights of edible gold. What a treat ! Without wasting time, they decided to combine their shared passion to create the most decadent popcorn ever tasted.
“Just one more,” you say, unable to stop yourself.

Toddler, showing an early interest in popcorn, was initiated very early on in this complex art by Monsieur. A single moment of inattention during a training session was enough for Toddler to inadvertently integrate various additional ingredients into the recipe of the day.
To his surprise, Monsieur thus discovered Bambin’s innate talent for creating delicious popcorn.

Herbes et fromage
Boy puts cheese on everything! He didn’t hesitate for a second to sprinkle it on his beloved popcorn. Inspired by his offspring, Monsieur quickly added his favorite herbs as well. It’s so delicate and flavorful that the boy doesn’t want to share his popcorn anymore.
Today, he even claims it as his own creation!

Madame was busy in the vegetable garden when she accidentally stepped on a tomato plant. Well, for crying out loud! There was no question of wasting her hard work, Monsieur was definitely going to seize the opportunity to concoct a new recipe.
Today, Madame thanks her clumsiness for offering her this delight.

Sel et vinaigre
Monsieur’s number one follower has been supporting him since his very first kernel of corn. A great popcorn warrior, she tirelessly fights against detractors of her favorite snack.
To help her in her crusade, Monsieur had no choice but to dedicate a flavor in her image: vibrant and flavorful!
Sriracha lime
Fiston is trying to make Monsieur modern and trendy. He has convinced him to follow the young people and offer new generation flavors. Without any restrictions, they have rummaged through the pantry to concoct an avant-garde recipe for you.
If Monsieur’s eldest loves it, you will adopt it too!